Saturday 8 May 2010

Script for 2 Min film

It took several, frivolous hours on Microsoft word to compile a script. With great difficulty and vast knowledge of script writing, it made a a difference. Here is the script:

[Yousif is seen walking down the street.]

[Camera glances at his shoes then tilts up. Yousif is seen reading a book or listening to music on his MP3 player. Introduction to Yousif’s character. Freeze frame, his chosen name appears on screen briefly. The freeze frame is in black and white. Back to colour.]

[Establishing shot of car on the side. Some form of audio should emit out of the car speaker system]

[Inside car, Zac is pointing camera pointing at Ashwin who is in the driving seat (recommended).]

Ashwin Oh my God! Are you stupid?!

[Introduction to Ashwin’s character. Freeze frame, his chosen name appears on screen briefly. The freeze frame is in black and white. Back to colour.]

Ashwin No wait… don’t answer. You’re too stupid to answer that question.

[Camera is held by Ashwin pointing at Zac who is riding shotgun.]

Zac Ah you’re the stupid one.

[Introduction to Zac’s character. Freeze frame, his chosen name appears on screen briefly. The freeze frame is in black and white. Back to colour.]

Zac You watch way too many movies.

[Camera returns to Yousif. Camera continues to follow his movements, perhaps at a different angle].

[Back to car, camera is placed on the bonnet pointing at Zac and Ashwin who continue to argue.]

Ashwin American girls don’t want you for you. They want your money!

Zac Since when? They have virtually no self-esteem, which is why they’re mostly bikini clad!

Ashwin Oh my God…

Zac What about you? Why Swedish?

Ashwin Why do you think?

Zac Get this through your head! She will never go out with you if she had to pick between you or Frankenstein’s monster!

Ashwin Is that a fact?

Zac Yeah!

[Ashwin turns to face Alaa who is sitting in the back seat behind Zac.]

Ashwin Yo amigo…

[POV shot of Ashwin pointing camera at Alaa.]

Ashwin What do you say to his quip?

[Introduction to Alaa’s character. Freeze frame, his chosen name appears on screen briefly. The freeze frame is in black and white. Back to colour.]

Alaa Don’t get me involved.

[Camera is back on the bonnet facing Ashwin and Zac.]

[Alaa points at the windshield.]

Alaa There he is!

Ashwin & Zac together Where?

Alaa Right there!

[Switch to POV of Alaa. Yousif is clearly visible in the shot.]

[Back to bonnet shot].

Ashwin Showtime.

[Zac and Alaa exit vehicle].

[Mid-shot of Yousif oblivious to Zac and Alaa’s presence.]

[Entire shot of Zac and Alaa walking towards the camera. Black and white freeze frame. Brief appearance of the phrase ‘The Moroccans’. Back to colour.]

[A close in on Yousif’s reaction.]

Yousif Oh no.

[Yousif belts it. Mid-shot of him running off. Camera pans to The Moroccans and then quickly pans back to Yousif. Camera then pans in K’s direction. The Moroccans walk into the shot.]

[Camera moves downwards showing The Moroccans first, then K. The Moroccans make a grab for him.]

[Series of shots depicting K’s fear and The Moroccans’ stoicism. Switching between shots of Ashwin in the car and back to the action. Perhaps a POV of Ashwin when The Moroccans take K to the boot.]

[POV shot of one of the The Moroccans pointing the camera at K who is in the boot.]

K Eh? What?

[Freeze frame in black and white. Introduction to K’s character and a single phrase appears on the screen: Snitch. Back to colour.]

Snitch No!

[Boot door slams 4 times in succession. In each of the slams, a separate shot is used. POV of one of The Moroccans, then mid-shot of the The Moroccans from the left, then right, then trunk shot respectively.]

[In the Drama studio, treated as an interrogation room, Ashwin sitting opposite the Snitch. The Moroccans on either side of the table.]

[Over Snitch’s shoulder shot of Ashwin.]

Ashwin So, tell me what I want to know.

[Over Ashwin’s shoulder shot of Snitch.]

[Snitch is afraid and nervous].

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