Sunday 28 March 2010

Filming in the making

In yesterdays lesson we used the camera to video some more camera angles and shots of Yousef comming out of a newsagents, it was a breif shoot due to the camera battery running out, but as you can see below I have uploaded some pictures of our progress and how we set up in videoing our piece.
As you can see here, Zach is filming Yousef exit the newsagents, he is using the hand held approach to capture the movement of Yousef.

This is Yousef, Zach and Ashwin looking back on the previous recordings discussing how it looks and if anything will need to be done to either change or improve the shots.

Saturday 27 March 2010


Today in lesson we as a group sat down and discussed what our next steps were going to be, we all decided to stay with the intial plan of using a car to help us with our 2 mins piece because of the wide variety of camera angle we could achieve from using car, I have agreed a time and date with my couson for us to use the car for our piece, all we need to do is start filming.

Also today in lesson we took the cameras and started filming around the school block, and as we were filming me and Ashwin contributed to the group with an idea that we do something simluar to MTV cribs, but in a funny way, we didn't just say it because of the fun of it, there are a load of camera shots and editing required and we belive it would be a success but at the momment its just a thought amongst the group.

Thursday 25 March 2010

JVC Camera Equipment

The JVC Everio GZ-HD300BEK is an Ultra-compact Full HD HDD/microSD hybrid camcorder featuring 24Mbps High bit rate Recording, with KONICA MINOLTA HD LENS, 60GB HDD for up to 25 hours of Full HD AVCHD recording, 1920x1080/50P output, and face detection

Friday 19 March 2010

Working on the First Continuity

Originally for our first continuity story board was a very rough outline of which we were looking for as a group. Our main target was to get familiar with the camera and experiment with shots. Many of the shots used were not from the original story board as they did not come up to standards which is why the story board for the first conmtinuity is currently being editted and will shortly be uploaded.